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Year 8 Arts Options
What is happening?
As explained our letter earlier this month, the Year 8 Options Process is changing this year. Pupils' main options for GCSE will be chosen during Year 9 to start in Year 10. Year 8s now need to choose ONE option from the Arts subjects to study in Year 9
All Year 9 pupils will complete one lesson a fortnight called Creative Award
What is the process?
6th March MBE and ASM to give assembly to Year 8 pupils
22nd March All pupils to have selected options
25th March Interview and chase up gaps
27th March Final Subject Lists compiled
Year 9 Arts Curriculum from 2024
Creative Award
All Year 9 pupils complete this
1 Lesson a fortnight
One Project
Completing an Arts Award Qualification
Level 1 Qualification
One choice of an Arts Subject
3 Lessons a fortnight
Media Studies
What is Creative Award?
All Year 9 pupils will complete an “Arts Award Bronze”
This Level 1 award develops young people’s artistic abilities alongside their research and communication skills. This course involves them in the arts as creators and audience members, and encourages them to take their first steps towards leadership by sharing their learning with others.
Will I have to continue the Arts subject I choose in Year 10 at GCSE?
No. You are choosing the subject for one year only. However, if you are thinking about choosing an arts subject at GCSE, the Year 9 will be very good preparation for you.
If I don't choose a particular Arts subject in Year 9, will I still be able to choose that in Year 10?
Yes. Your GCSE choices in Year 10 will be a chance to consider your wider options.
Will I be able to change my mind after choosing?
There will be a “cooling off” period in September of Year 9 when pupils can request to change if subjects are not what they had expected. Staff will also communicate home if there any concerns during this time. Any changes will depend on capacity in other subjects. However, after this process, pupils will be expected to stay in their selected option for the remainder of the year.
Is the Creative Award the same as Art?
No. The Creative Award is a project-based course and involves researching, planning and delivering workshops as well as attending live events.
Next Steps
•Pupils need to choose what ONE Arts Option they will study in Year 9
•Pupils also need to choose two alternative Art Options in order of preference in case of oversubscription
•Form Tutors will go through this presentation in Tutor Time this week and answer any questions
•Pupils should talk to their current teachers of Music, Dance, Drama and Art about what these subjects will look like in Year 9
•Mr Bean will talk about subjects that are not currently studied (Graphics, Photography and Media) in Assembly on Wednesday 6th March
•Go to the Forms section of EduLink and open the New Form called Year 8 Arts Options
•Select your Year 9 Arts Option by Friday 22nd March
•If in doubt, please speak to your current Arts subject teachers, your form tutors or Mr Bean